Saturday, June 26, 2010

world cup 2010 song

shakira sings this old song and make it her own, it has a catch to it, maybe because of the world cup fever and all..:)

world cup brings people together, even if it's only a game where 22 players chase 1 ball on the pitch but people still love to watch with excitement and hopes in their eyes for their team to win.

no more racism, no more fights, no more everything. only football, it unites everyone, only if human were united like this every day then earth would be a better place for our children.

i'm always for brazil when it comes to football, but japan is also in my list this time. winning or losing is just the same for me, only that watching our fav team play and cheering for them is something else.

happy world cup 2010 everyone!


dolat said...

saya sokong jepun. lalalalala...walaupun xberapa nak terer sangat. hahaha...

gaban said...

awat orang suka ckp 22 orang mengejar bola? sedangkan dalam padang ada 25 orang. dan yang betol2 kejar bola tu lines man and referee je n also malaysia team.

semalam aku tgk korea main memang mengkagumkan, baru betol berkelas dunia. walaupun nasib lebih menyebelahi uruguay.

hm... bila agaknya malaysia nak ke world cup??? dalam tv macam2 iklan untuk naikkan semangat juang kenegaraan diiklankan. ntahla...

hansuke said...


saya tetap sokong jepun, walaupon asalnya suka tengok suka jepun lama-lama suka jugak tengok mereka men football..haha~ tapi brazil masih kekal di hati.

hansuke said...


yang bermain atau berlawan atas padang tu 22 orang, referee and lines men berlawan jugak ke? mereka mengadili je perlawan tu takleh kira sedang berlawan. ko dah kompius ke ape. haha.

sapek said...

bukan sahaja konpius.
ad lg.
tp malas ak nak tambah.