Monday, October 24, 2011

Allah is there, can't you see?

when the world seems wrong and when everything else is blurry,
do not be afraid to cry, as we are allowed to weep

yesterday was the past, today is life and tomorrow is our future.
no matter what happens the day before, today or the next day
we have to have faith in Allah for it may bring peace in our hearts

shower our head with pure water and bow down for forgiveness
for it shall bring strength for us to go on, to look forward for tomorrow

as mysterious Allah shall may be, He will guide us in His discreet ways
is it not enough prove to show His love and His mercy?
for shall He create chances for us, as from Him everything are made

have peace dear heart and do not worry
He will always be by our side to lend His strength
for we must seek His presence, as He loves it when we do

poor heart, do not worry
Allah is there, can't you see?

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