Saturday, February 5, 2011

rumours to believe

KARISMA 2003 (UiTM sports events) had just ended. The rugby team was so frustrated because they had not won any cup, even though in reality they came to the event to pick up some chicks. Wining or losing was not the purpose. I was the most furious of all since I had the most cut and bruises amongst the boys who had tried their best for the team, while others was just for show. Worthless humans they were.

While waiting for the bus, our manager, also one of the UiTM lecturer, Mr. X, had asked anyone to join him in his car. Since it was a long trip, 8 hours drive, from UiTM Merbok to UiTM Terengganu, he was asking for a Co-Pilot. A friend and I had volunteered. I took the back seat. Instantly the Co-Pilot had gone to sleep or had faked his sleep. I knew instantly why.

"Hansuke, kamu ada girlfriend?" Mr. X asked while driving.

"Yes". I had lied.

"Oh, do you f*** your girlfriend?" Mr. X asked again.

I was blutterbunged. What in the world kind of question is that. I wondered.

"Mana bole encik, saya seorang Islam, benda cam tu kan haram, mesti la tak pernah". I raised my voice quite angrily.

Ignoring what I've said, Mr. X kept going on and on about the topic.

"I tell you what, nanti you balik, you sewa hotel and then you f*** her". Said Mr. X confidently.

I was getting angrier in the inside. I almost swear something at him. But I just said nothing really and tried to change the subject for many times but Mr. X was giving me his silly advice until no end. 8 hours I had to hear his nonsenses. It was one of my worst experiences ever.

Mr. X furthered his degree in the US and lived there to work for 9 years so he said. He was married to an American women and had a daughter. His wife was not a convert.

"I'm currently separated with my wife". Mr. X said in his American accent.

"Why, were you divorce sir?" I had to ask.

"I'm not divorce, we're just separated that's all, I do see her once a year". Mr. X said while wondering off far away, as if recalling some memories in his head. It was a painful one.

I did not dare to ask more.

All the members in the rugby team knew Mr. X pretty well. He's famous for fishing the 'anak-anak ikan' in the campus. I heard many stories about Mr. X, and one of them is that he was gay.

"Bapuk pon dia layan bro, hati-hati la...". A friend once warned me.

I wasn't so sure whether that he was gay or had a wife or having a daughter. Despite that he was a muslim, he sure does not pray at all. So was the other boys on the team. Which was not a surprise to me no more.

One evening while a friend and I were driving a long near the beach, we saw a 'bapuk' wearing some sort of bikini, enjoying the breeze on the balkoni. The house was huge, and my friend said.

"Eh, tu bapuk-lili kan, bukan ke tu rumah Mr. X?".

And I thought. I guess the rumours were true after all.


s a r said...

hmm. assalamualaikum beb.


too scary la manusia sekarang.

Unknown said...


Amar san said...

apsal skrg noreena dah tak komen ha?


hansuke said...

entah manusia memang menakutkan dari dulu hehe~

ape yang tukar?..:P

amar san:
entah la, dah kawin kot..:)