Friday, January 22, 2010

deep in our hearts

people come and go. we feel as if it was yesterday the happiness we shared together, today one special person to us passed away and leave us in this cruel world, the world with full of hatred but everything else just don't matter, we urge and seek the strength in ourselves to keep going, thinking that 'there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger'. we must go on, we must be strong, we must have faith.

everyday seems so unreal but in our hearts we know that it exists. we touch and feel our faces and breathe the fresh air like no other day. thanking the Almighty for this living moment and the past that was full of sadness, full of regrets that are never going to go away, broken hearts for all the mistakes, sins that we commit in the slightest hesitation and later we will be punished, the Day will come and some of us will be burned in fire of Jahanam.

we seek forgiveness. we seek happiness. we seek His love. it was there all along. it was vanished in front of our eyes because our hearts are too dark to see. the light from Himself that shown upon us. but we neglect the truth. reluctant to admit, to let it sink inside of us and we just cannot see. it's not meant for us to see. only the chosen one will see that light, the light to most beautiful place, like none other place we can imagine. only iman will bring this light, it will bring the truth and answers to our questions.

what fate lies upon our children and our ummah? where are they heading? towards what and whom are they seeking? living a life with no meanings, no questions and no answers. day by day will past. until the day of the fallen mountains, the earth that swallows the living soul, nothing is left but dust. on that day we will realise it is now too late for taubah. the judgement day. it is real, it's a promised that will be kept. haven't we realized it by now? some of us just don't want to admit the truth only will they fall to the satan's hands and later will only lead them to Jahanam. it's a root for us to choose. deep inside of our hearts, we already know the answer.


I'm Seri said...

Salam Hansuke.

Harap kamu sihat ye.

Kata seorang sahabat saya:

~Jangan berbicara dengan hati, berbicaralah dengan Tuhan. Dia Maha Mendengar...~

Itu antara maksud yang mahu kamu sampaikan kan? Terima kasih atas perkongsian.

naili said...

this one is scary, bro. for it's so true. from ur style of writing, i can't help but notice that u've been reading a lot of tafsir. keep it up!

hansuke said...


salam. alhamdulillah sy sihat, harap kamu pon sama.

tak la jugak. tapi kalu kamu faham cara itu, terpulang.


well kak, i don't think i've been reading alot of tafsir, but just a few verse that i came up with, a long time ago.

i think most of it was from dad's tasawuf teachings and the rest was just from my observations and reading and my deep feelings all these while.

this post was written a while ago, few months after dad passed away, maybe when you're sad all the truth will come out from the heart.

but all i can remember was, while writing this post there was tears flowing and my heart was aching.

neway. thanks for reading.

Amar san said...


aku nak komen, tp posting ni mendalam sangat sampai aku takut kalo aku komen nanti komen aku jadi off topic.. haha

hansuke said...

amar san:

ko takut silap comment cam 'org' tertentu ke hehe~

tak ada apa pon amar. cm biasa la aku hanya meluahkan hati aku je. tak komen pon tak apa.

ko ingat tak masa kawan ko yg meninggal dunia tu, yg baru 3 jam akad nikah? malam yg ko dapat berita tu, aku tgk muka ko terus aku dapat rase perasaan ko ketika tu, maka terus aku terilham dgn post ni, sebab jiwa aku cm sama sebab ketika tu aku baru je kehilangan seorg ayah.

post ni agak deep la sebab ia berkaitan dengan hati. di sudut hati kita, kita tahu yg kita ni wujud kerana Allah, yg datang harus pergi, dan tanggungjawab kita ialah untuk taat keadaNya, dan kita kena teruskan hidup dgn apa jua keadaan, ini lah dinamakan redha.

pastu yg lain2 tu tak payah faham pon tak apa..:)

Liyana said...


deep. sama ada pembaca yang sensitif atau penulisan yang berkesan.

hansuke said...


hey, sudah lama kamu tak ke sini, terima kasih sudi singgah..:)

Liyana said...

selalu je ke sini. tapi tak tinggalkan jejak. :)

sapek said...

Salam fif...
hiba rasenyer ak bace blog ko...
dalam maknenyer bg setiap perenggan malah perkataan...
Dose dah berbakul2 nih...
bile bace,insaf n istifar sejenak...
Bersyukur rasenyer kite dilahirkan seorang ISLAM...
yg pintu taubat itu senantiasa terbuka kepada umat-Nya...
Alhamdulillah dan Syukur kehatdat Ilahi...
Ak faham perasaan ko..
Hilang org yg disayangi..
sayu je rasenyer...
kekadang tu,ak meleleh gak air mate...fikirkan orang tua...
Kepada mereka diluar sane...
Bwat la mereka bangga,bangga mempunyai anak yg soleh...
Bukan sekadar hal duniawi malah akhirat kerna itu yg menjamin mereka satu hari kelak...
Renung2kan dan selamat beramal...

hansuke said...


bagus la kalu ko pikir org tua. kita pon tak tahu bila diorg nk pergi, kita sendiri pon mana tau esok lusa pon dah tak ada, tak semestinya org tua kita yg pergi dulu.

bersyukur dan selalu bertaubat jika buat salah adalah terbaik, tak riak, tak ujub tak sombong harus lah dipraktikmkan selalu supaya kita terjamin ke jalan yg benar, sebab syaitan sentiasa membisik supaya kita lalai.

neway, thanks for the comment..:)