Tuesday, December 27, 2011

waiting is blessing

Love is a mysterious thing, it catches you in an instant, one moment you are doing fine, and before you've realized it you've already fallen in love, that's how scary it is.

In some cases, it truly was not meant to be, that's why all those love people seek didn't end so well, and I truly believe that is fate. Surely one day it's our turn to meet 'the one'.

And the only patient is time. Only time that awaits us to see the day. The day that we'll be united with our 'other half', and that day we will be truly blessed to Allah, because for all those years of waiting was worth the wait. (Insya Allah).

I guess for now, the only thing to do is wait, well with faith too..:)


the above was my comments for a blogger. i never knew, that my words would bounced back at me..but it did. hehe~ hopefully, i can truly wait with patient and faith. inshallah.


miza said...

woot woot.perfect!hehe

hansuke said...

apa yg perfectnya cik miza? :D

s a r said...

salam beb.

sangat misteri. :D

lagi misteri bila kita menafi...

tambah misteri bila makan diri sendiri... :D

~sabarlah s a r... :P

hansuke said...


aku suka makan epal, tak men la makan diri sendiri..hehe~

lama ko menghilang beb..masters dah dapat dah?

s a r said...

ahah. gila :P

tak elok makan epal orang yang dah dekat2 nak kawen ni.. ;P

~erm, belum la. aku risau sangkut pulak ni. hmm.

Kasma Mohamad said...

mohon share incik afif ;)))

hansuke said...

cik kasma:

boleh je :)